Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Minor Success and Other Bits and Pieces

Well, I successfully registered for the Freelance Writing for Magazines class. Just got in under the wire, too - only two seats were left. Whew! Nothing much else to report due to the holiday and other issues. Found a set of online tutorials regarding oceanography. Worked through a couple already and even took notes which I rewrote into my class notebook. I'll just do this directly with the rest - I wasn't expecting so many pages of notes per tutorial. I passed the quizzes at the end of the first two. It looks like the tutorials cover most of what my class will cover - so, it's a good review and study guide. Speaking of study guides - we're having our first exam next week - so, I'll be busy with studying for it. However, I plan on getting back on track with the research work as well - even if only for a change of pace to give myself a break. No, I haven't yet done that task of looking for past attempts to start this Pleistocene project. Hopefully, I'll get that started tomorrow - and by the end of the week possibly have a nicer rough draft to work with. Still working on the organization situation as well - one step at a time. I really must go through paperwork to sort it and toss out anything unnecessary. Well, gotta get to class! Until later!

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