Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Bit of Progress

Well, I did accomplish what I set out to do - and by the deadline I set for myself. Yes, I did get a rough draft written before Tuesday night's class. It's only a mere five pages handwritten - and really, really rough. However, while going through some old notebooks looking for something else, I found an old attempt at a rough draft - so, maybe it's a bit better. I have attempted to start my research projects numerous times in the past - with only a few minor successes - and those mostly due to my being in a class with a term paper assignment. Apparently, I need the structure of a class and deadlines to make progress - at least at this stage in the process. I am also working on a strategy for making significant progress - it will be helpful when I'm not taking a class related to my research - hopefully. As for the oceanography class - it looks like it might just be very helpful to my efforts. We're going to cover a lot of different concepts - and some may even be directly helpful to more than one of my projects. Also, a non-credit one-time class on writing for magazine publications is being offered locally through another college. It's next month and does not interfere with my current class schedule. Actually, it's a Saturday night - so I'm seriously considering registering for it. Hey, anything helps! So, my challenge for the coming week is to locate and meld as many of my old past attempts at this Pleistocene project - some are in notebooks - others saved on diskettes. Once finished, I might just have a really viable rough draft to work on. I feel like fate is helping me along - as long as I take action and help myself, serendipitous happenings come along to help me out. Maybe, the more I focus on my research projects - the more "assistance" I'll receive. Hey, the more help the better! Signing off!

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