Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weight Loss Peeve

More peeves from me. This time about the weight loss stuff that comes through my email filter. It's not as easy as it seems to those without weight issues to comprehend. Starving oneself is not a realistic option. Neither is over the counter meds and supplements. There is no magic pill out there. Besides, it's very detrimental - bad - for one's health to lose lots of weight very quickly. The human body needs time to adjust to the change. Altering one's diet and increasing their physical activity as much as possible is the only way that really works. The science does not back up all the hype out there about obesity. As a matter of fact - most of the info [hype] is not backed by the scientific research at all. The science actually contradicts the mass media bullshit out there. I have yet to see one person lose weight by drinking diet sodas - it never worked for me - or anyone else I ever knew. Eating one meal per day while in high school actually caused me to gain most of my extra weight.

One has to change their mindset and make certain adjustments to their daily eating habits and activity levels for the pounds to melt off safely and easily. There has never been a quick fix - and never will be - not a safe one at least. Support from family and friends is also essential to success in this matter. Not sabotage - emotional or otherwise.

Thank you - thank you very much! Ba - Da - Bing!

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