Friday, May 30, 2008

Giving Honest Scientists a Bad Name

A couple posts ago I mentioned about the spam I was getting enticing me to buy a PhD. Yes, I was a wee bit upset - I have issues about this due to the fact that several years ago I had to do a research paper about intelligent design and the Discovery Institute - which I also mentioned. The thing that quite literally pissed me off so much was the fact that there were a bunch of guys over there in that so-called think tank who were parading around PhD's in Geology - a field that I know all too well - while at the same time claiming that evolution is not reality and other very obviously scientific theories, etc. I could not - for the life of me - figure out what college on this planet would award such out-of-touch-with-reality morons who do not even know what the scientific method is - PhD's in geology. So, I did a bit of background work on them - they had bought their PhD's and used them dishonestly to pretend they were real world scientists - so that Congress would take them seriously.

I am sure that those schools that give out these types of degrees are doing it for good reasons - to give some well deserved and serious folks who just have lots of other real life stuff they have to deal with - a leg up. However, thanks to the dishonest jerks at Discovery I. - they have given such degrees a bad name and a very ugly reputation.

The intended purpose was to give serious scholarly-minded individuals who might have some real world obstacles - esp. financial - or even a family to care for - a fighting chance at proving themselves worthy of that piece of paper. The D. I. "geologists" took advantage of this - but dishonestly so. They prove it by their arguments - if you want to call them arguments at all - in favor of I. D. Real scientists are very logical people - but the D.I. are extremely illogical - their arguments make no sense in any way. This is why real scientists won't waste their time dealing with them. Unfortunately, this hasn't stopped them from pushing their holy scriptural doctrine through legislature - against the separation of church and state - which is a firmly held part of this country's political and governing process. They are so anti-American and anti-science that it's hard to believe any American could or would ever give them any funding to keep their bullshit "think tank" running.

The Discovery Institute is the primary cause of the dumbing down of our American educational system and our society. They are akin to the monstrous Nazis - trying to infiltrate and destroy this country from the inside. Their degrees should be recalled by the schools that gave them out - esp. considering that they have not proven themselves as scientists by the rest of the scientific community.

Thanks Discovery Institute - for all your honest work - sincere concern for the state of our nation's educational standards - and your logical and realistic worldview.

Thank you, thank you very much!

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