Thursday, February 28, 2008

When the Poles Flip

What can we expect when the electromagnetic field surrounding the Earth reverses - or flips - polarity? Everyone is so concerned about global warming - but a much bigger problem could very well be looming right around the corner. How often does the magnetic poles reverse? What causes this to happen? Most believe it has to do with a line up of the planets, etc. - in such a way as to give a greater gravitational pull on the "weaker" pole - thus reversing it. This would likely be instantaneous - like when attempting to put two magnets together at the same poles.

The big question is: Will this affect the world in some fashion? My answer is yes. If the electromagnetic field of the Earth reverses, the electric currents will also reverse - in order to compensate. If you put a battery in backwards, the object it is meant to power will not function. Our electrical gadgets will be rendered useless - including batteries, since they too have a polarity. My concern is the nuclear reactors and other modern conveniences ceasing to function at a critical moment.

I have been seeing a date mentioned for this. So far it looks to be only superstitious nonsense. However, it does mention two astronomical events occurring which do so every 26,000 years. Our computer systems, automobiles, electric appliances, and the rest of the global power grid will go down. These phenomena need to be verified and precautions taken. All power, everywhere on Earth will have to be shut down simultaneously to make the proper conversions - or else catastrophe will strike.

So what are we going to do about it?

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