Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The remote sensing invention will still happen, because I told my friend I would help it come into reality. I say what I mean and I mean what I say - 100% of the time - at least for the most part. Actually, the reality of the situation is that I do believe I have found a couple great guys who are tech savvy enough to take on the job. One is a very old and dear friend of mine. Hi there Tom. Take good care of your mum - she's a great lady - and like a second mum to me.

And the other is the man I love more than anything else in the Universe and can not imagine living my life without him. Actually he's the man I will marry - hopefully very very soon. Actually, the sooner the better. Hey there Big Red! Love ya baby! How long do you expect me to wait around? I was starting to worry - but you're my one and only. My old man! Wink wink! Besides, do you or do you not want to be happy and successful? I am sure your parents and the rest of your family would want that. I cannot imagine a parent who would wish their son or daughter anything less than this.

Yes I have edited this post - big time. The original was necessary - but I recover fast - down but not out for too long. Can't be doing that. ...Now where was I...oh yeah...

Don't know what to do about paleoclimatology class. Thanks to an unfortunate series of circumstances, it looks like I might be waiting around awhile to retake it. Such is life!

Until next time - or nextpost... We're going to the chapel and we're goin to get married...goin to the chapel of love.

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