Sunday, September 9, 2007

Update, Some Progress, and Conclusions

I printed out a couple articles on the Aegean Tectonics project and I have one on the Jericho Geology that I have to make a photocopy of because I don't have access to it online, but I have to wait for the library to open to do that. Other than that and the outlines I mentioned the other day, there's not much more to tell.

However, I am coming to some conclusions about at least some of these projects as I go through the list and make outlines and get some initial thoughts down in writing and on disk. Don't ask me why I am doing this, since I don't really know the true reason. Maybe it's some odd thing about me that I get antsy about leaving all the other projects on the backburner while I focus on just one to the point that I find it difficult to concentrate on that one with all the others buzzing around in my head. Or maybe I just have a deep burning desire for utter chaos in everything I do. I'm even reading articles on how to generate more ideas - like as if I don't have enough to worry about already! Yoi!

As to those conclusions:
The Yellowstone Project is basically an invention to perform controlled eruptions of volcanoes. I don't know if it will fly - it's literally a long shot - but if it's workable - it could be very useful and helpful. After the Hurricane Katrina disaster, I seriously doubt this country would be able to deal with such a large scale natural disaster or evacuate every habitable town and city eastward of that massive volcano.

Another project that seemingly fell into my lap relatively recently would make use of remote sensing programming to find "certain dangerous things". Yes, this is another invention, of sorts. Let's just say that I'm planning on usurping the prize in a somewhat hostile takeover - kind of the way Bill Gates got back at Steve Jobs and for a similar reason. My former "partner" decided that backstabbing one of his friends is the preferrable way to do business - yes, I'm the friend he betrayed. And payback's a bitch!

As to the other projects: It looks like the Pleistocene Extinction, the Cretaceous Tertiary Collision and Extinction, the History of Evolutionary Theory, and the Jericho Geology will all end up as books, mostly due to the extensive nature of each of them. I'm going to be covering a lot of information on each of these topics and I can do it piece by piece and part by part - each part ending up as an article or even a series of articles before I turn it all into a comprehensive book on the subject. This may be a reason why I am having a hard time getting much momentum going on any of my projects, most of them are a bit overwhelming. That's putting it mildly! Crikey!

I think I mentioned having to create a website for this science and technology writing class I'm taking this semester. However, I don't think it's quite what I feared. It's a group project but I haven't heard more about topics or anything. Now, if only I could find someone who is a lot more computer capable than I... Hmmm... Gonna have to get the word out...

Also of note, there's a proofreading fundamentals class coming up in a couple weeks - similar to the freelance writing workshop I attended over the summer. No hesitations here, this time - I learned my lesson last time. I'm definitely going for it - I'll be registering for it this week. It's at the same place and time as the workshop, on the 29th of this month. There's another one on getting your invention/idea to the marketplace, but there's a timing problem. Maybe they'll offer it in the spring listing. I certainly hope so, especially with two inventions/ideas to play around with. Another thing I'm thinking of doing is look around online for free tutorials on some of this to see what I can learn and get accomplished in the meantime. Well, tally ho!

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