Friday, September 7, 2007

Back in action, finally

I wanted to check in and give an update on what's been happening with me. After the summer classes ended, I was busy with a family issue. Once that was over my access to the campus computers was seriously limited. I also think I was suffering from a bit of burnout and have been in some sort of funk for awhile. The uncertain nature of my creer situation is probably partly to blame. though I now have a few options about some actions to take in one or more directions.

I haven't really done anything about the Pleistocene project lately, either. However, that is about to change fairly quickly. I still feel like I'm treading water on a lot of things. I know it's resistance and it's only holding me back. I feel like choosing one idea to run with, so to speak, leaves all the other projects on the back burner. I'd really like to see some progress in at least some of those other projects. I might be able to publish something or make money from some of the other projects. The Pleistocene project is going to be a fairly long one that will take a long time to develop, mainly in bits and pieces. But then again, I'm not really getting started on it very much at all - from my perspective.

I am going to start setting myself two tasks per week regarding my research projects, including the Pleistocene project. I have already started implementing this - though I started with two of my other projects: Jericho Tectonics and the Aegean dual subduction zones. I wrote outlines and did quick write-ups about the main ideas for each. The other task for each week will be to work on my writing and reading for the science writing class I'm taking. Also, I want to start attending the Geology Colloquium on Thursday evenings and start going places and doing things more appropriate to a geoscientist since that is my long term goal in life - at this time, at least. Right now I'm not feeling very enthusiastic, motivated, or determined in any way. I know it's resistance, but it's still there hampering my efforts.

Actually, as far as an outline, direction, and quick write up are concerned - I already have those done for the Pleistocene project. I also have several articles, both major and preliminary, to read on the subject in order to move on. All that paperwork might be overwhelming me - even though it's not really that much to read. Resistance literally has me at a standstill - like as if I cannot see the good my efforts will do. I guess I feel like nobody of importance will find what I have to say to be of any value - and that I would just be wasting my time and energy on nonsense and frivolous silliness. Yes, I am too hard on myself and I am my own worst critic.

Well, tally ho, and all that jazz!

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