Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Ranting Update

Just want to update about what's happening. Lots of work happening - especially the written kind - and much more to come. Among the many pieces we're doing for the writing class is a research paper of our own choosing and related to our field of interest. My choice was of course the always popular Intelligent Design Creationism debate that still rages on here in the United States, for some unknown reason. One of the first articles I read regarding this debate said something to the effect of: scientists proved that evolution takes place without the need for an intelligent creator. The reality of the situation is that the scientific theory of evolution only shows and proves that change occurs over time. The creationists also keep slinging mud by claiming that evolutionists are atheists - which is inherently not true. Most people who have enough damn sense to realize that evolution is a reality and a fact of life (pun intended) - are also religious persons who do believe in a higher power and a creator but just believe that evolution is the means by which life came to exist on Earth. Most religious people do not adhere to the Intelligent Design belief. Also, Charles Darwin himself was a devout Christian!

I would love to know who threw the first volley of mud at whom - and when this occurred. I do believe it occurred in Darwin's time. Somebody crossed the line between science and religion and now we have more serious problems because of it. Fortunately, our opponents are not the brightest bulbs on the planet - though they claim to be true "scientists"- that remains to be seen. I've actually seen some evidence that seriously puts their expertise into question.

Why is it so dangerous a concept if noone in their right mind would believe such absurdities? Because of those elected officials overstepping their boundaries and attempting to change things in our society for the worse based upon the unproven claims of so-called "scholars" trying to literally dumb down our entire society. If legislation does go through promoting ID/C we will lose the respect of every other nation on the Earth. Not to mention ruining further advancement in many sciences and related fields - including medical research and medicine itself. I wonder if the proponents of ID/C utilize the medical facilities of this country to take care of injuries and illnesses. If they do, then they are true hypocrites - and should lose all credibility they currently have. Why do I say this? Because - to undermine and utterly destroy the same system that keeps oneself and one's family and loved ones alive and healthy is like biting the hand that feeds you. Also, if evolution and its related scientific theories are so damn false, then how can these people trust doctors and other medical professionals with their lives if their work is based upon lies and mere "theories"?!

Back to my update! Besides the ID/C debate paper which will be approximately eight pages long - I also have the option to do extra credit papers for the oceanography class I am taking. Each paper is to be five pages long, and about a marine organism (or organisms like diatoms, dinoflagellates, etc.). The more of these extra credit papers I do the higher my final grade. This is very good for me in two ways: I tend to do much much better on papers/essays than on regular exams AND this gives me a chance to show my advisor/professor what I am capable of. A chance to impress the daylights out of him - if that is at all possible! Yay for me!

I already have a couple ideas rolling around in my mind for potential topics: meiofauna and nudibranchs. That's just a start! Meiofauna are tiny microscopic animals that live among the soft sediment of the sea floor and are abundant enough to be food for certain filter feeding animals like clams, worms, and sea cucumbers. Nudibranchs are sea slugs - but some have a very bizarre feature. They eat sea anemones and jellyfish and somehow transfer these animals' stinging tentacles to protrude from their backs - using them as defense against predators. Both topics sound very promising and worth the effort.

Until next time!

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