Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ranting Practice

Well, I am now officially working on the final term paper on intelligent design - I won't give the concept enough credit or respect by capitalizing the words. So, here is a bit of a rant at the moronic absurdity that is intelligent design. Hey, I need the practice!

First off, before I go any further, let me tell you a wee bit about myself. I am a firm believer in evolution as a fact of nature - one that is essential to all life sciences such as biology, genetics, and especially medical research and technology. I am also a Christian - I do indeed believe in God, Jesus, etc., - but I know the difference between science and religion. Apparently, the Discovery Institute does not. I believe that evolution is just the process by which life came about - whether one believes in a supernatural Creator or not is irrelevant. Evolution is not intended to quantify or justify such a being's existance. Actually, such a concept is rarely if ever discussed in scientific circles - because it is outside our domain of study. We are scientists - not theologians - and I truly wish the Discovery Institute and their ken would cease confusing the two.

Do the supporters of 'intelligent' design take themselves and their loved ones to the doctors to keep them healthy and alive? If they do, then they are hypocrites - unwilling to risk their families' lives where their so-called "faith" apparently lies. If God's means of providing life is so essentially different from evolution, then these folks should rely on prayers alone to keep their loved ones healthy and alive.

The "evils" of evolution should not be permitted access to their families' lives whatsoever - for fear of them losing their faith. Medical science has its foundation in evolution. If you take evolution away - there would be no funding whatsoever for ailments like Parkinsons, MS, ALS, cancer, AIDS, etc. Also, if you are a supporter of id, I suggest that you refrain from giving donations to those causes since the legislation you wish to push forward will make it a veritable waste of money. Remember, that once put through legislation - successfully - all children educated in our public schools will not be capable of entering medical school at any reputable institution. So don't push them to become doctors if you want them to remain faithful to God.

What exactly do these vermin intend to do? Do they really plan to change the face of science and technology into a theocratic endeavor? If they do then there will be quite dire circumstances! Our nation's children will no longer be able to compete in higher education, especially in the sciences or medicine. You don't truly believe that medical doctors are supporters of id? They better not be, if they want to keep their practice.

I just read a "christian" conservative perspective on the issue and found that they use scientific terminology out of context to combat evolution. This is no surprise - since they love to twist words and take them so far out of context as to make them nearly unrecognizable to the person who originally said them. They are actually attempting to use genetics as support for id. This makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever - since genetics is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for evolution.

The argument about perfect order from the creationists - is so absurd and out of touch with reality as to be downright silly. If the eye is so damn perfect, then why are people and animals born blind? Why are eyes so prone to fail in their sight - if God's world and creations are so absolutely perfect?

The Discovery Institute uses the general public's ignorance regarding science to drive their political agenda home. They put the average American in an impossible position - choose God or the physical reality in which they live! Nobody should be expected to have to make such a choice! To force the issue is cruelty and harbors such dire circumstances as to be absolutely sickening!

He who is without sin, cast the first stone!!! He who is so absolutely perfect, stand up and make yourself known to all!

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