Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ideas and Possibilities: From the New Writing Class and Other Sources

It looks like the professional communication writing class is a perfect idea. It continues what I got out of the freelance writing workshop and adds some much needed job-related writing. It's going to be hectic for me with all the stuff I have to do - but it was a wise decision.

Also, I read some articles from the Creativity Portal newsletter from a couple weeks ago about generating ideas to write about and capturing them. The capturing part I already have a couple ideas about: five minute quickwriting or brainstorming sessions immediately or as soon as possible after the idea comes to me. I can at least get a one to two line bit written down somewhere in a lecture notebook or on a piece of scrap paper until I get a chance to run with it. This I can implement ASAP - hopefully to good effect. Right now the generating of ideas issue will have to take a backseat for a few days due to writing assignments and an upcoming oceanography exam next Tuesday. However, on a more positive note this generating of ideas to write about might be very beneficial for the article writing I want to do as an income stream and eventual career move for my research.

Speaking of research - one of the major assignments for this new class is a six to eight page research paper on an important issue within my career field. Perfect for me - the gears of ideas are already squeekily moving into action on that. Maybe I can kill two or more birds with one stone with this one. Assignment + article for publication + research project of my own choosing... Possibilities, Possibilities!!!

The first writing assignment for this latest class is a memo detailing my career and job intentions. Once I get it rolling along, I'll post it here since it would definitely be appropriate for this venue. I guess it will give a general idea about my career intentions. Psyched and looking foreward to posting again really, really soon - hopefully tomorrow! Until later!

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