Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ranting Prep Work

I am posting a quick bit here - just to get my juices rolling and flowing. I have that Simplon fault zone project due tomorrow and I just need to get into the right mindset to get myself on a roll. I did try to get some done Friday - but the only campus computing lab available - according to the sign on the doors of all the labs - was actually closed well before 5oopm. Whoever the idiot was that closed the lab early should have gotten someone to cover for him. It is not very efficient to have a lazy moron running things when we're coming up on finals around here - with projects due and all. I do hope it was reported to the appropriate authorities so that he, she, or they are made to pay the consequences for their inefficiency. I'd fire the ass if it were me - hey, tax dollars are paying for student's tuition around here - and if it gets out that the University of Pittsburgh is run by incompetent liars and layabouts - well, I guess they don't mind losing a few thousand students per year due to unethical practices and employee behaviors. Heck, the administration around here is abysmal - anyone can see that. Student records is not in touch with student accounts who in turn is not in touch with financial aid - if they communicated properly like they need to be doing - mistakes and mishaps would not occur. I am constantly wrestling with the idiots who run things around here. My advisor - actually believes he was to blame for an administrative failure. I don't believe he truly grasps how poorly this university is run. If a business was run so inefficiently, it would have no customers, no stock holders, and go out of business. Well, at least I know that the moron who was supposed to be here Friday won't ever make it in academia nor in the real world of work and business - he is a loser. Usually they have a few lab techs around to take care of things who know their business - apparently that is not the case anymore. Oh well, it's their loss.

As it is, I am feeling like taking a semester off from classes. Just to get back into the flow of things and figure a few things out - not to mention finish recovering from a very trying and devastating nightmare of a year - and I thought the year my mom died was the worst on record - between the field camp fiasco, 9-11, and ending in mom's unexpected death and under very suspicious circumstances. I still want the asses responsible brought to justice one way or another as soon as possible - if not, I will indeed make a public statement against the medical organization under whose care she did not come home from. I have a friend who is autistic - and she'd be able to run the show better than the jackasses who are in charge right now. So what's their excuse?

Well, as my dear aunt Michele mentions so often since I told her about the big red problem I've had this year, 'living well is the best revenge.' You know what? She's 1000% right. The problem turned out to be just a big loser who only now associates with other losers. Lost his job - as I said he would. Very stupid - infantile - immature - lacking integrity, decency, intelligence, reason, logic, honesty - no humanity whatsoever - not even an iota of self-respect. He was a very good actor, though, since he had everyone on campus fooled into believing he was a good decent sort. Minimum wage jobs are all he will ever have now - but hey, I guess that's what he wanted all along - as he said - it was just a game - he just happened to lose. I, on the other hand intend to win, big time - and he can just eat my dust, baby! Cry to his mommy and his loser friends for the rest of his life like the overgrown baby that he happens to be about how unfair life has been to him - let him lie on his bed at the end of his life looking back and regretting what he has done - but it was his actions to do - his decisions to make - of his own free will. Nobody told him to do what he did - the world just does not work that way - and this is not the dark ages - nobody put a gun to his head and told him to do this or else - actually an honorable man would prefer to die with his head held high with dignity and self-respect - but he does not even comprehend those terms and what they mean. One would think he's from a planet other than Earth or something. I feel sorry for his mother, having raised a son who turned out so lousy. Personally, if he were my kid I'd just up and disown his sorry ass - esp. if I went to all the trouble to raise him right and he turned out so wrong - treating people like that - I am sure his mother did not raise him to act in such a way - I met her years ago - and she is a decent good and intelligent woman - not a two-faced backstabbing thing like her son turned out to be. Ah well, it takes all kinds, I guess! I'm off to do battle... En Garde!!!

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