Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Deccan Update

Just wanted to pop in and give an update. As I mentioned earlier, I have decided to try out my new strategy on the Deccan Traps issue. So far, I have some preliminary research resources to read as well as a couple professional journal articles. One article is about the age of a mantle plume source; the other is about major events at the end of the Cretaceous. I also did a quick brainstorming session a few days ago. Now I just added what I like to call a zero draft, less detailed than a full rough draft. As a matter of fact, this one is only one page long and bereft of any conclusions or even a single mention of the KT Boundary or the collision associated with it. However, I have also drawn up an outline to give me some direction and a focus and mentions more detail about the collision and boundary layer.

One important detail regarding this writing is going to be determining the evidence of the collision from that of the eruption. There is likely a distinct difference between the two, as far as evidence is concerned. This ought to make it clear which event took place first. Relative dating shows the Deccan Traps eruption took place some time after the impact. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it seems that most scientists are avoiding linking the two events in any way. Maybe they are afraid to lose credibility or that no one would take them seriously. Actually, I can see a good sound reason for this, as well. By holding off on linking the two events until more evidence is gathered and studied and more is known about each event, they are building up credible evidence to support a theory that definitely links the two.

Until next time...

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