Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Pet Peeve

Declawing of animals should be outlawed.

People who get their pets declawed do not seem to realize what they do to their beloved pets. All that matters to them is material possessions like sofas, rugs, and window treatments.

I wish people would think about the animals feelings, for once in their lives. Why do certain people even bother to buy or adopt animals?! A status symbol - to show off how much they can afford to spend on a living toy?! Animals are not toys, not things, not mere objects! They are thinking creatures with feelings and, yes, they do feel pain. In order to declaw a cat, or any animal, the fingertips are surgically removed - or else the claws will grow back. I have heard of cats crippled with arthritis from declawing. But hey, who gives a damn about these animals' quality of life or the right to live a pain free life when we can just give them an injection to put them to sleep and put them out of their misery. God forbid if we should be expected to watch the poor creatures suffer because of what their adopted parents did to them at an early age. Look at your fingers. Where do your fingernails start growing from? It is the same for all mammals -and likely for all animals with claws, talons, or fingernails. GET THE POINT?! [pun intended].

Even those monsters who do animal testing for cosmetics have to cut their test animals' vocal chords so the testers won't be bothered by the animals crying and screaming in pain. It's one thing to do genetic testing on lab mice and rats to find cures for cancer - especially since the US federal government refuses the use of stem cells for real human embryos for such tests. Why test a bunch of human cells to find cures for human ailments and illnesses - when we can just as well torture some innocent creatures for the same thing?! Except, maybe, because they are not human, and do not have human DNA! If we used the human stem cells, we wouldn't even have to use the mice or rats anymore. It would cut down on the costs for the research since we could go directly to the human genome to do what we must do - it would save valuable time and needless suffering of those with such illnesses. It would also save countless animals needless suffering, as well.

Do not worry; I am not an advocate for PETA. I have never, and will never condone or support such a radical group. They care more about the political dramatics than they do about the animals they claim to protect. Just like the so-called pro-life advocates who are just as likely to throw their own children out on the streets at the age of twelve - or younger - because the child happens to be gay. All life is precious - but to these groups - only under certain conditions.

I saw a Rotweiller without its ears and tail clipped, for the first time in my life, this past weekend at the local pet expo - so I guess there's some hope. Animals are not perfect, and neither are humans. Guess what folks, humans are animals, too. That tends to offend some folks. It offends me when we expect other creatures, including ourselves to be perfect, to fit our ideals. I also do not much care for folks who go around and say that everyone is evil and going to hell. I admit that I make mistakes in this world, all the time. But, it is usually the humans, who are the most disappointing to me. The only creatures that ever cared about me were, and still are, the furry, four-legged kind. I have a rapport with animals. Currently, I have two beautiful cats, whom I adore - and a bunch of furry neighbor friends, several of which have been trying to cheer me up lately - since my human friends are apparently incapable of giving a damn. I am sure they are trying to tell us something. Too bad we cannot quiet our thoughts enough to listen, to them or each other.

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