Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Better Late Than Never - Yet I have been busy!

This 2007 Challenge was supposed to begin back in January - but due to various reasons I put it on a back burner. I do this way too much - but stuff does happen! I have not been idle on the research itself. I am currently taking a course in process geomorphology - on landscape changes - which is very helpful with more than one of my projects. Also, I have done some preliminary research on my first pick - the Pleistocene Mass Extinction that took place at the end of the last ice age. I have even begun some light writing on the topic - just to get an idea where I want to go with the project. I did manage to eek out a tentative outline for the project itself. It looks like my first major task is to research several of the past ice ages to see if there is a consistent pattern of mass extinctions as the glaciers were retreating. From my point of view this does not make much logical sense - since glacial melt-offs increased land, fresh water, vegetation, and other resources for both animals and vegetation to increase. One would expect a population increase and an increase in species variability as niches opened up. But I could be wrong about this - and nature is known to work against what we would consider logic. However, if extinction of this magnitude is indeed a commonality during glacial retreats then it would be interesting to find out why this is so. Either way, it sounds like an interesting opportunity to look into Earth's past.

Friday, March 23, 2007

My intentions statement


I am finally officially online. The purpose of my blog is to track my own personal progress on various scientific research projects I have gathered over the past several years as a college student. Also, I would like to add my own commentary about various scientific issues - like global warming. I am not going to claim to be an expert on any of this - because I truly do not feel that I qualify to make such a claim. I just graduated in August with my first Bachelors Degree. So, in a strange sort of way, this is my fledgeling attempt to start some post-graduation research. My preferred field of study is Vertebrate Paleontology - though I have interests in other sciences - especially the geological sciences. So, that is the basics about this blog.

I would like to thank Barbara Sher for her 2007 Challenge that gave me the kick off I needed!

Gigi T.